
Jack McCoy sent me an e-mail!

Today, I received a message in my Gmailbox "from" Sam Waterston urging me to join him in the fight for an end to the partisan bickering in Washington. His e-mail included a link to a testimonial video in which he idealistically argues:
The system is broken, and a third force in the middle is essential to fix it...Through Unity08, for the first time in American history, we are going to throw out the backroom deals and, yes, change politics forever. [my emphasis added]
I'm 100% for ridding ourselves of "politics as usual," but I hope the man who voiced Lincoln in the epic Ken Burns documentary, The Civil War, is not tilting too much at windmills.

Weird coincidence: As I finished adding links above, the shuffling Windows Media Player was playing "Everybody's Got The Right" from Assassins and "John Wilkes Booth" (as played by Jack Bristow, er, Victor Garber) sang his part:
Got the right
To be happy.
Say, "Enough!"
It's not as tough
As it seems.

Don't be scared
You won't prevail,
Free to fail,
No one can be put in jail
For their dreams.
For more of my ramblings re: presidential deaths, see this post.

Thanks to Michaela on deviantART for the cool SW portrait.

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