
An SD primer

For those of you wondering why I like them so much, a song (most of them "slow jams" or "chill-out" joints) from each Steely Dan studio album:

Unfortunately, "Bethlehem Steel" had to go so that I could educate the world as to the wonders of the Dan. ;)

Please vote on your favorite song below and then click on the link back to this page.

Which of the songs in the Steely Dan playlist do you like the most?

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Local and not-so-local sports

(1) The Caps looked absolutely lifeless last night against the Canes by a count of what an English football announcer might say of "Capitals nil, Hurricanes five." My friend and I are considering taking in tomorrow night's contest v. the Jagrmeisters, but I'm moderately concerned that the game will be a replay of last night's debacle instead of being reminiscent of their recent dominance of the orange-and-black from the City of Brotherly Love

(2) My roommate, undoubtedly, is ecstatic (if not a little hung over) today following his alma mater's last-second, comeback triumph over the third-ranked Louisville Cardinals. I must admit that when I saw a first half score of 25-7, I wrote off the Scarlet Knights (and turned off the game for at least an hour and 15 minutes), but it's good to see schools that have less than a stellar history of success do well - and, in Rutgers' case last night, to do it on a national stage (in this instance, ESPN).

Senate majority, or is it "majesty"?

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but thanks, George Allen. "Why?" you ask.
  • he lost; and
  • he conceded, thus forgoing a recount and sparing those of us who reside in "The Old Dominion" weeks more of political posturing.
Here's "the new guy." (BTW, I don't endorse Chuck Schumer in any way, but unfortunately, he shows up on this video.)


Post-election thoughts

  1. If it weren't for the fact that the Dems are, in general, so terrible on the issues on which I work (see this post as well as this one), I really couldn't care less. I'm no fan of gridlock, divided government, etc., etc., but some new voices being raised up in some of the debates (e.g., the war, general corruption) is a good thing in this case, I think.
  2. So long, Rummy - we hardly knew...well, we knew you too well and for too long, unfortunately. Too bad you couldn't get your old pal Dick to come along for the ride.
  3. Stay away from the Limited Edition Chocolate Mocha Kit Kat - not so good.
  4. Anybody ever had any luck with "aversion therapy" relative to nail biting?


My word of the day (i.e., didn't know what it meant until just now)

Courtesy of Ilana Mercer at Barely A Blog and thanks to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:
I stated in "America's Open House" that, "as a proponent of states' rights and decentralization, instantiated in the Ninth and 10th Amendments, I rarely wish to see federal solons usurp the states. [Big W's emphasis added]


Main Entry: so·lon
Pronunciation: 'sO-l&n, -"län
Function: noun
Etymology: Solon
1 : a wise and skillful lawgiver
2 : a member of a legislative body
I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the Internet to answer all of my questions (save "Why am I here?" and "Where have all the flowers gone?").

Impulse buys

How does one spend one's weekend - as well as the beginning of one's work week - when one has little to do and is relatively flush with cash?

The Best of Blondie


Only Revolutions (links to a previous blog entry)

In addition, I've received the following by post over the past couple of days:

Dead Air For Radios

The Beatles 1