
My word of the day (i.e., didn't know what it meant until just now)

Courtesy of Ilana Mercer at Barely A Blog and thanks to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:
I stated in "America's Open House" that, "as a proponent of states' rights and decentralization, instantiated in the Ninth and 10th Amendments, I rarely wish to see federal solons usurp the states. [Big W's emphasis added]


Main Entry: so·lon
Pronunciation: 'sO-l&n, -"län
Function: noun
Etymology: Solon
1 : a wise and skillful lawgiver
2 : a member of a legislative body
I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the Internet to answer all of my questions (save "Why am I here?" and "Where have all the flowers gone?").

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