
This entry is FUtastic (w/ a little bit of "X" thrown in for good measure)

Last night, I went to see my friend Chris's band, Dr. FU, at the Clarendon Grill (I recommend the hummus and pita, which has a bit of Southwestern tinge to it [i.e., cumin]). This was the first time I had seen said FU since what was, apparently, one of their first gigs ever - if not their first gig ever - some years ago as openers for Wonderjack - the band whose percussiveness comes from a fellow (i.e., of mine) WHS alum (albeit in a different building than the current high school), Randall A. Johnson (better known to the world as "Randy") - at Rhodeside Grill.

Although, in many instances, I am no great fan of '80s pop-metal (which makes up a large portion of their ouevre), the five-piece doctorate plied their musical trade with great aplomb and enthusiasm. I'd like to send a special shout out to lead singer Sunny, whose unique vocals brought new life to classics like "Video Killed the Radio Star," "Boys of Summer" (The Ataris' version more so than the original Don Henley yawner [just clicking on his site makes me break out in hives]), and "It's Tricky" (yes, you read that right - the Run-D.M.C. classic) and who, sadly, is leaving the band to have a baby. Congrats on the impending birth, best of luck, and thanks - both to you and to the rest of the band - for a truly rockin' evening.

[A side note: Due to Sunny's departure, the FU is looking for a new lead singer.]

I'd have to say that my favorite ditty of their set was a stirring rendition of Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out." This is a family blog, so I won't say exactly what that song, in particular, kicked, but you can probably guess.

At some point - perhaps it was pre-gig - the background music (may have been satellite radio) shot in some Christina Aguilera, who is, by far, my #1 guilty pleasure music-wise. The girl can just flat-out belt, thus putting the rest of the artists with whom Xtina was initially linked genre-wise (you know who you are) to shame. On her new album, Back to Basics, I'm pretty much addicted to "Back in the Day" and "Still Dirrty."

That's all I'll say about that for now, as I wish to delay further ridicule for this inclination for, at least, a couple of weeks more.


New to Blogger

This is my first original post on Blogger; all other posts were pasted in from my MySpace blog. We'll see how this goes for a while and then draw some sort of conclusion about, well, something.


Politics and prose (and I don't mean the DC bookstore)

First off, via Mary Katherine Ham's blog, I found this clip from last night's Connecticut U.S. Senate debate. Too bad that Mr. Schlesinger (i.e., the gentleman who stands up and speaks out in Sen. Lieberman's defense near the end of the clip) is unlikely to fare particularly well, come November 7, if the latest polls are any indication; that is not to say that I want him to win (as I think Lieberman has, generally, been a good centrist Senator), but that he (Schlesinger) deserves a better fate than third-place ignominy (i.e., behind the "Independent" Lieberman and Democrat-nominated Ned Lamont). The respect Schlesinger shows for his opponent should be widely commended - and imitated, but then again, this is politics we're talking about here.

To see the antithesis of campaign dignity, check out U.S. Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN) in this clip. I was under the impression that Ford was beating Bob Corker in the race to replace our "distinguished" Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist, MD (who is eyeing an '08 run at the White House), but if that is the case, why would you act as Ford does in the clip? Very odd indeed.

On a less serious note, this past Sunday (10.22), I was reading the "Books" section in the newest edition of The Week when I happened upon a blurb about a book up for a National Book Award finalist entitled Only Revolutions. The author is Mark Z. Danielewski, who, apparently, was heralded a few years back for House of Leaves; I'd never heard of him, but I also found out that he's the brother of "angsty grunge-rock female singer-songwriter" (Wikipedia's words, not mine) Poe. Anyhow, after reading a few reviews* of this strange book, I've become intrigued about it - so much so, in fact, that I'm debating whether or not to drop my hard-earned money by purchasing it and running the risk that I won't get past the third page. Also, am I reacting to the cover of the book (see below [I saw it in "the real world" at Borders shortly after reading the blurb in The Week {the other cover is a gold eye}]) and the distinctive way in which the text itself was constructed (at least, from what I can see in reviews, etc.)? I'm questioning whether, nearly a decade after having to read "serious" literature as part of my English minor while enrolled at "Affordable Ivy," I'm actually even capable of slogging through and comprehending such esoteric...stuff. I mean, come on - how many books do you know have their own MySpace page? Isn't that, in and of itself, a bit pretentious - or exceptionally pretentious? Then again, I suppose writing a blog entry like this is rather pedantic, pretentious, snooty, uppity, etc., etc., and so on and so forth.

Off to Belgian Beer Happy Hour at Bohemian Caverns - and Ben's Chili Bowl (mmmmm) - I go.

* These are not the reviews I've read, per se, but a way for you (if you're as into this as I am) to find some reviews quickly and easily.

A Libertarian who "gets" the immigration issue? Praise be!

Ilana Mercer, about whom I knew nothing before this morning's Google news article search result e-mail popped up in my work inbox, appears to be a Libertarian with a clue on immigration issues. Having not read any of her other posts yet, I don't know how she falls on other issues, but I may have just found my newest daily blog fix.

The Logic of La-Raza Libertarians


Last week, cable networks and mainstream press celebrated the birth of the 300-millionth American. Segments and stories abounded emphasizing the glories of high-population density and Tower-of-Babel diversity.

In search for irresistible copy, the New York Times located the newborn. Probabilities did not disappoint. The child was the progeny of what The Times dubbed "immigrants from Puebla, Mexico"..in all likelihood illegal. Still, the (subsidized, no doubt) hospital setting was too tame for the Times. So it announced that, while "hospital publicists and proud new parents were left to stake their claims" to the title, the honorific probably belonged to a child "smuggled before dawn across an unguarded section of the Southwestern border."

And why not? Libertarian open-border evangelists like to stress that the philosophy of individual rights and capitalism implies that individuals have the right to come to the US to live and work. Conversely, it is the prerogative of property owners stateside to invite immigrants to live with..or work for..them.

In a society where property rights are sacrosanct and state intervention minimal, immigration would indeed be by invitation. In fairness, some visas..H-1B and L-1B, for example..are attempts at immigration by invitation. However, the number of visas allotted to invited, highly-skilled, self-supporting, wealth-generating immigrants forms a fraction of the immigration inflow.

It's especially insane for libertarians to assert that the hordes streaming across the Southwestern border at a rate of one immigrant every 30 or so seconds are here with the consent of American private property owners, simply because many find employment once in the US.

If we lived in the old decentralized republic of absolute property rights, land owners in border communities would be policing and defending their properties. They'd have stopped the influx in its tracks before the nearest job centers were reached. In that republic of blessed memory, trespassers would never have made it past private land owners. Since back then self-defense was not merely nominal, most aliens traipsing and trashing land not theirs, as they now do with impunity, would've been repelled by land owners..by force. Consequently, repeat offenders would've been rare.

No, the state alone..hand-in-glove with its taxpayer-subsidized, special-interests..has consented to these arrivals.If you really want to see an immigration liberationist rise on his hind legs, mention a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. Hysterical yelps of "tear down this wall" will ensue. Irrational minds have transformed a defensive wall à la the Emperor Hadrian's, intended to keep the "barbarians" out, into the Iron Curtain or the Berlin Wall, constructed to keep people in.Utopian libertarians are especially fond of claiming the welfare state is the sole reason illegal immigrants cost much more ($26.3 billion) than they contribute ($16 billion). Were it not for its provisions, they say, these unskilled, uneducated, non-English speakers would become a boon..not a burden..to the communities they infiltrate. In its determinism, the thinking of the love-in-at-the-border libertarian is indistinguishable from that of the left-liberal. Both see the social environment as the single most important determinant of behavior.

However, what of this cohort's cultivated militant distinctiveness? What about crime and disease? Will these dissipate with the unlikely dissolution of the welfare state? I suggest the hippies have confused the causal sequence. The point of departure is the quality of immigrants entering the US after the 1965 Immigration Act. For the kind of immigrant given preference under current policy, welfare is more of a magnet. Also ignored by La-Raza libertarians is the evidence of the rapid acculturation among post-1965 immigrants to U.S. largess: the longer these immigrants reside in the country, the likelier they are to receive welfare.

More material, levitating in la-la land is not going to change that the welfare state is accreting, not shrinking. Or that human flaws and frailties are not always the state's fault.

Open-border fetishists reserve the gold standard non sequitur for belittling the burden of illegal immigration on the American taxpayer. Living at the public's expense, they concede, does indeed violate the rights of taxpayers. But why single out non-nationals? Is it any less of a violation of the taxpayer's rights for native-born individuals to suck at the public teat?

From the fact that you oppose taxpayer-funded welfare for nationals, it doesn't follow that extending it to millions of unviable non-nationals is financially or morally negligible. (Or that it comports with the libertarian aim of curtailing government growth.) The argument is like declaring that because a bank has been robbed by one band of bandits, arresting the next is unnecessary because the damage has already been done.

How would immigration evangelists "reason" away the harm from violent crimes committed by non-nationals? Let's see: "We don't care if illegal immigrants commit more violent crimes than locals, because we believe violent offences, committed by nationals and non-nationals alike, are wrong and should be phased out."

The cumulative costs of crime are a little harder to dismiss with such latrine logic.