
Crazy game

Last night's Oilers-Stars game looks to have been a wild one, according to On Frozen Blog and Off Wing Opinion.

The homogeneity of our presidents

CSM has run an opinion piece on the likelihood that our next president will -- probably much to the consternation of Democrats everywhere -- be a WASP. It's gotten so "bad," argue the authors (a sociologist at Claremont Graduate University and a former WaPo editor and writer), that:
Since 1952, there's been only one presidential election year in which the name Nixon, Dole, or Bush was not on the GOP ticket. (The exception is 1964, when Barry Goldwater and William Miller were trounced.) In fact, no Republican has been elected to the White House without either the name Nixon or Bush on the ticket since Herbert Hoover was elected in 1928! And should Senator Clinton win in 2008 and serve two terms, either a Bush or a Clinton will have been president for 28 consecutive years.
I'm no fan of Hillary or Obama (or Bill Richardson [whose PAC doesn't seem to have a website], for that matter), but I'm all for mixing it up quite a bit in terms of who is representing the American people at a national and international level, and if that means electing a qualified woman or minority candidate, so be it.


Not much going on...

...thus little being blogged. Film at 11.