
This entry is FUtastic (w/ a little bit of "X" thrown in for good measure)

Last night, I went to see my friend Chris's band, Dr. FU, at the Clarendon Grill (I recommend the hummus and pita, which has a bit of Southwestern tinge to it [i.e., cumin]). This was the first time I had seen said FU since what was, apparently, one of their first gigs ever - if not their first gig ever - some years ago as openers for Wonderjack - the band whose percussiveness comes from a fellow (i.e., of mine) WHS alum (albeit in a different building than the current high school), Randall A. Johnson (better known to the world as "Randy") - at Rhodeside Grill.

Although, in many instances, I am no great fan of '80s pop-metal (which makes up a large portion of their ouevre), the five-piece doctorate plied their musical trade with great aplomb and enthusiasm. I'd like to send a special shout out to lead singer Sunny, whose unique vocals brought new life to classics like "Video Killed the Radio Star," "Boys of Summer" (The Ataris' version more so than the original Don Henley yawner [just clicking on his site makes me break out in hives]), and "It's Tricky" (yes, you read that right - the Run-D.M.C. classic) and who, sadly, is leaving the band to have a baby. Congrats on the impending birth, best of luck, and thanks - both to you and to the rest of the band - for a truly rockin' evening.

[A side note: Due to Sunny's departure, the FU is looking for a new lead singer.]

I'd have to say that my favorite ditty of their set was a stirring rendition of Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out." This is a family blog, so I won't say exactly what that song, in particular, kicked, but you can probably guess.

At some point - perhaps it was pre-gig - the background music (may have been satellite radio) shot in some Christina Aguilera, who is, by far, my #1 guilty pleasure music-wise. The girl can just flat-out belt, thus putting the rest of the artists with whom Xtina was initially linked genre-wise (you know who you are) to shame. On her new album, Back to Basics, I'm pretty much addicted to "Back in the Day" and "Still Dirrty."

That's all I'll say about that for now, as I wish to delay further ridicule for this inclination for, at least, a couple of weeks more.

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