
Local and not-so-local sports

(1) The Caps looked absolutely lifeless last night against the Canes by a count of what an English football announcer might say of "Capitals nil, Hurricanes five." My friend and I are considering taking in tomorrow night's contest v. the Jagrmeisters, but I'm moderately concerned that the game will be a replay of last night's debacle instead of being reminiscent of their recent dominance of the orange-and-black from the City of Brotherly Love

(2) My roommate, undoubtedly, is ecstatic (if not a little hung over) today following his alma mater's last-second, comeback triumph over the third-ranked Louisville Cardinals. I must admit that when I saw a first half score of 25-7, I wrote off the Scarlet Knights (and turned off the game for at least an hour and 15 minutes), but it's good to see schools that have less than a stellar history of success do well - and, in Rutgers' case last night, to do it on a national stage (in this instance, ESPN).

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