
Cool music site

I highly recommend checking out Amie Street (pronounced like "Amy"). The site's raison d'ĂȘtre:
Amie Street is charting the future course of music retail because we price music right–all songs start free and rise in price the more they are purchased–and because we have created a social network that facilitates music discovery. Our dynamic prices allow fans to buy music without breaking their banks and they serve as a useful tool for finding great music. We believe that people will support independent artists and buy their music when the community determines the price. On Amie Street every member matters, every purchase impacts. We know music is social. The process of music discovery is stunted by traditional digital music retail sites because they are not social (or fun). Music discovery is best catalyzed by communication between people; we reward fans for recommending songs to each other by giving them credit to buy more music. Whether you spend two minutes or two hours on our site you are connected to a world of music lovers.We want all artists on Amie Street to be successful, to get their music heard and to make money, and we believe that our unique marketplace will accomplish this goal to a degree never achieved before. We endorse our artists by giving them 70% of song sales and never taking ownership of their creative work.Amie Street is where bands and fans run the show. Move to Amie Street, music lives here.
I've already created a playlist of the seven songs made downloadable by Lush Progress, which you can see (and hit "play" on) at the top right of the page.

As a result, the "SD Primer" post containing the nine-track Dan sampler has been relegated to another spot.

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