
Sports and sports entertainment

(A) Finally, the Nats have someone with a clue in the dugout. (Sorry, Frank.)

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(B) On MySpace, the WWE (yes, I still watch this [I think it's some sort of state law in Minnesota that you have to know/watch wrestling {I voted for one once - oops}]) made the following announcement:
WWE attorneys pulled out of a scheduled settlement conference relating to the ongoing lawsuit against WWE filed by Warrior "Ultimate Warrior" Warrior. The conference was on 11/6. WWE's attorneys believed the attempts to settle to be "premature" and "futile" at this point. Warrior sued WWE last February, claiming the "Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior" DVD made damaging statements about him and violated a previous legal settlement between the two parties.
A couple of things:
  1. The guy's changed his name to "Warrior Warrior." That's rather frightening.
  2. If (1) is, in fact, the case, I find it hard to believe that the "damaging statements" made about him really got through to him anyhow.

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