
No rest for the political

Yes, the 2006 mid-term elections are over and, most definitely, Democrats won the day. Now, however, those of us involved in politics (yes, even the most "apolitical" amongst us) must turn to the 2008 presidential race for grand electoral blog fodder. The Fix does a good job of tying the two events together.

Politics1, long one of my favorite resources for all things election- and politics-related, has a fairly comprehensive list of Oval Office hopefuls for the fall of the next leap year. Off of that list, I think the following is a reasonable estimate of what may be the matchup in one year, 356 days:
As someone who actually likes some differences (and personality) in political combatants, I'd prefer to see Kucinich v. Tancredo or something like that, but I'm also a realist.

What do you think?

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