
Happy All Hallow's Eve

I hope everyone has a lovely Halloween. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the holiday as it:
  • reminds me of my youth, during which I was allergic to chocolate, thus rendering approximately 95% of my trick-or-treating haul inedible (or, at least, inadvisably edible) to me; and
  • brings out the overly-theatrical in almost everyone else - you're adults now, people...you shouldn't be wearing "sexy devil" and/or Scream guy costumes unless you are, in fact, either Mephistopheles himself/herself or plan to go into the not-so-lucrative and less-than-socially-acceptable business of serial homicide.
On a related and humorous note, something from our friends at The Onion:

Science Disproves Vampires

Florida physics professor Costas Efthimiou has devised a simple mathematical proof stating that vampires cannot exist. What do you think?

Old Man

Michael Poole,
Bog Limnologist
"So I've been sleeping all day in a coffin, hanging upside down in a cave lair, and drinking human blood for nothing?"

Young Woman

Bobbi Delaney,
"I wish I had tenure. If I spent all my time in the warehouse thinking up crap like that, I'd get canned in a heartbeat."

Asian Man

Gavin Jacobson,
"This news will likely hit The Count the hardest. Destroyed by the very numbers he loves."

And the award for the tackiest, most thoughtless, most callous costume goes to Bill Maher, courtesy of Hot Air.

On two wholly unrelated notes:

  • if you know of any good music blogs, please let me know - thanks; and
  • if you ever use Blogger and are thinking of straying from your standard color scheme, don't.

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