
All open-borders folks should read...

...Chip McLean's most recent posting over at Capitol Hill Coffee House. I hate to be preachy on this issue, but I think it's often misconstrued and wrongly characterized in the MSM. Yes, like any political issue, there are wackos on all sides, but in my experience, the majority of folks who feel as I do are definitely not nutjobs. Here's the most important point I think McLean makes (with my emphasis added):
Also unhelpful is the characterization of those wanting tougher enforcement of immigration laws as being "racists". [sic] This isn't about "race" or "Mexicans" – it’s about "illegal" as opposed to "legal" immigrants. The liberals who try to play the race card are missing a very important point – or perhaps they simply ignore it – that while the drain on our resources by illegal immigrants affects us all, it perhaps affects no other group more adversely than black Americans. How so? The cheap labor provided by illegal immigrants has stolen jobs from many in the black community – jobs that could help provide a way out and up. Seems to me that pandering to the Hispanic vote, at the expense of African-Americans, is far more "racist" than building a border fence.

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