
Who to vote for this coming Tuesday

I know every faithful reader of this blog has been waiting with bated breath to see who I'm endorsing for next week's elections. Well, the wait is over. Incumbents are indicated by italics and the candidates I'm backing are indicated with an asterisk (*) below.
U.S. Senate - VirginiaU.S. House - Virginia 8th DistrictArlington County BoardArlington School BoardProposed Constitutional AmendmentsProposed County Bond Referenda
  1. $35.55 million in bonds to finance the cost of various capital projects for local parks and recreation - YES
  2. $31.5 million in bonds to finance the cost of various capital projects for Metro and other transit, pedestrian, road or related transportation projects - YES
  3. $27.3 million in bonds to finance the cost of various capital projects for County facilities and infrastructure - YES
  4. $79 million in bonds to finance the cost of designing, expanding, improving, and renovating Arlington County's Water Pollution Control Plant, and the water and sewer systems serving the County (including the County's share of capital costs for Washington Aqueduct treatment facilities) - YES
  5. $33.712 million to finance the costs of various capital projects and land for Arlington County public schools and community purposes - NO
Just so you know, I'm not reflexively anti-incumbent, but if the incumbents are less than stellar (Allen and Moran, I'm looking in your direction), it's easy for me to vote against them.

Also, if you live in Virginia, but not in Arlington County, here's a link to check out to see who and what are on your ballot.

NOW READING (per my friend Teresa's recommendation)

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