
Today's baseball news

(1) If the D-Rays feel the need to move some of their games to the EPCOT parking lot, isn't that an indication that the team is not viable in Tampa and should be relocated -- perhaps to Vegas, Portland, Charlotte, or some other place where the population isn't: (a) transient (a strike against moving the Expos to DC [that organization now has a new marketing slogan -- whoopee!], I suppose, but that happened); and (b) coming out in force (relatively) for divisional rivals like the Sox and Bombers?

(2) Nick Lachey is going to be a part owner of the Triple-A (for Seattle) Tacoma Rainiers. Now, all we need is Jessica Simpson to get up and make some comment about it being strange that her former beloved is buying animals from Santa. (Wait a minute...wait...get it? Never mind.)

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