
Online secrets

Until today, I'd never heard of PostSecret, which, according to Wikipedia, is:
an ongoing community art project were people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.
These "postcards" are then reviewed by Frank Warren, who then may or may not post them to the blog (10-15 postings updated each Sunday). Warren, it turns out, is on a national tour to promote My Secret: A PostSecret Book. (In my area, for example, he'll be at Politics & Prose this coming Saturday afternoon.)

Just discovered some other "secret" sites:
I think some of these bear watching; then again, I think a lot of people are already watching PostSecret: it won the 2006 Bloggy in the following categories:
  • Best American Weblog;
  • Best Topical Weblog;
  • Best Community Weblog;
  • Best New Weblog; and
  • Weblog of the Year.

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