
My web tool o' the day

With Google Docs & Spreadsheets, you can:

  • Use our online editor to format documents, spell-check and more.
  • Upload Word documents, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or text.
  • Download documents to your desktop as Word, PDF and more.
  • View your documents' revision history and roll back to any version.

Plus, since its online, you can:

  • Invite others to share your documents by e-mail address.
  • Edit documents online with whomever you choose.
  • Publish documents online to the world, or to just who you choose.
  • Post your documents to your blog.
Click here to take "the tour" of GDS (my acronym, not Google's].

And trust me, I'm not shilling for Google - I just think this could be a very useful thing.

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