
The former model, a dead economist, and a quote

(1) From SI.com and Lew Rockwell.com (with some links added by me):

Tiger Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, has filed a libel lawsuit against an Irish magazine story that included fake nude photos of her and claimed that she appeared on Internet porn sites. If the lawsuit is unsuccessful, Tiger plans to simply buy the mag and shut it down.

* * *
Murray Rothbard believed that there should be no libel laws, as one does not "own" one's own reptuation. (A reputation is what others might think about someone.) However, Murray certainly would have supported Woods' Plan B. A private property solution!
I have to say that buying up that which defames you and yours is a pretty good solution, albeit one that's available only to a select few.

(2) Another quote from my favorite net pundit, Ilana Mercer:
In a truly free society, the kind we once enjoyed, one honors the right of the individual to associate and disassociate, invest and disinvest, speak and misspeak at will.

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