
Yesterday's marathon

First off, I want to send my condolences to the family and friends of the runner who died during yesterday's Marine Corps Marathon. According to the article in today's Washington Post, the man collapsed just before Mile 17, which was not that far from where my friends and I were cavorting about and cheering near the "Beat the Bridge" stage (i.e., where Wonderjack was performing for the runners and their supporters). I saw a couple of ambulances near the end of my stay (I left around 1:45 or so) and was worried about those who might be party to whatever caused the emergency vehicles to arrive. Unfortunately, now, we all know what they were for.

On a much more positive note:

  • A big congrats to my friend, Alaina, who ran - and completed - her first marathon; I just missed her running by Mile 20 by a few minutes.
  • Mad props (and I do mean "mad") to Dean Karnazes, who is nearing the end of his 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states trek; in my opinion, this guy is off his rocker, but, at least, he's quickly off his rocker.

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