
RIP, Robert Altman (updated)

Film director Robert Altman has passed away at 81. My favorite Altman movies:
I've never seen many of his most important films (e.g., M*A*S*H, Nashville, etc.), so my list is far from bearing great insight into the auteur's career.

An interesting coincidence: I got The Long Goodbye from Netflix late last week and it's still sitting on top of my DVD player, yet to be viewed.

FYI: "RIP" is often taken to stand for "rest in peace," but, in fact, it originally stood for requiescat in pace, which is Latin for - what else - "rest in peace."

I moved the slide show previously at the top of this blog to a post by itself.

Thanks to Richard Wall, via Lew Rockwell.com, for the photo above. The article to which that links is a very interesting take on Altman's films, by the way.

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